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Local Events - Reno, NV

Breathing Into Wholeness - TBA

There is a resurgence of Breath Therapy at this time due to its powerful ability to de-stress the body-mind, move stuck and stagnant energies that can negatively impact our health and sense of well-being.

The environment created at Breathing Into Wholeness is a step beyond the usual, in that it creates a unique healing space using faster-than-light technology to promote a deeper release of energetic blockages, and an accelerated, yet graceful reintegration process.

Spiritual Response Therapy is also used prior to connect with the group to do a general clearing for any higher dimensional blocks beyond the body. This could be in the form of an entity attachment, or a block at the soul level. By researching, identifying and clearing these often overlooked elements, you can experience even greater states of expanded consciousness and spiritual re-connection. Some of the benefits that can be experienced are:

  • The release of trapped emotions that cause imbalances

  • Reduction of stress, anxiety, grief, depression, and anger

  • Increases in energy levels and mental clarity

  • Improved immune system function

  • A restored, felt sense of inner calm

  • Revelation and deep personal insight.

  • Expanded states consciousness and increased spiritual connection

  • And much more

This event will be held once a week for four weeks. It will be an hour and a half in length​, with an hour of breathing, and a half hour of integration through journaling and a group share (if you like).

The investment for this four week event is $180​  per person or $60 per person walk-in per day during the event. ​​


Please join our mailing list to stay informed of our upcoming dates (currently in Reno, NV).

Weekly Gathering - TBA

Join us once a week for a general clearing, light breathwork, toning and meditation. The goal of this gathering is to support one another energetically as we move through our journey of life. As it is known in science, when we gather together our collective energy amplifies in strength. Implementing these practices helps us to clam our nervous system, bring energy and order to our body-mind, and assists us in living a more centered life.

Currently we are seeking out a location to hold this gathering in Reno (we may also include a live video feed for those who cannot make it in person)- the cost of this gathering will most likely be the price of a drop in yoga class. This is dependent upon the space within which this event will be held. 





(813) 300-8657

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